Foreigners and NemKonto

If your are a foreigner living in Denmark you need a NemKonto

All foreigners with a Social Security (CPR) number must have a NemKonto.

Are you a foreigner living in Denmark, and have a Social Security number, you should have a NemKonto. All payments from public authorities are transferred to your NemKonto. These payments can be tax refunds, child subsidies, pensions, student loans, unemployment benefits, housing support or social welfare payments.

Your NemKonto is a ordinary bank account that you already use. You choose which of your regular bank accounts you wish to use as your NemKonto.

If you expect to receive payment from public authorities, please remember to choose a NemKonto before the first payment.

You can do that here at by logging on the self-service with your MitID or you can ask your bank to do it for you.

Read more about NemKonto